connecting visitors worldwide to the local soul of japan
Dream Journey Japan launched in December 2016, but its beginnings date back from a simple love for inter-cultural exchange and appreciation. DJJ's founder, Takako is an entrepreneur whose portfolio of small businesses focus on being of service to people. As a small business consultant and the founder of an online English language school (EOCS), she has been able to express her deepest values by helping others achieve their goals and paving a way for cultural exchange.
Dream Journey Japan is no different. Through travel and tourism, her goal is to bring people together so we can learn from and appreciate each other.
There are many companies to choose from, but we felt something was missing: support and friendship. When you're with us, you're not just a tourist, you're our guest. We're a travel assistance company that believes in cultural appreciation and mutual understanding. We also believe that tourism can help frame our global bond and enlighten us to embrace our similarities and differences.
Our mission is to connect visitors with an authentic experience in Japan so you can feel love, energy, and inner beauty. We carefully design your itinerary and support you the whole way so you can experience the beauty of Japanese nature, historic places, traditional and modern art, and engage with Japan's unique subcultures in an impactful way. We believe that through our customized travel plans and warm- hearted support, we create a catalyst for true connection to emerge.
Thank you sincerely for choosing us.
the team

CEO, Guide-InterpreterMy love for inter-cultural exchange and appreciation has always been a part of me. While I love my own Japanese culture, I similarly embrace and cherish the other many amazing cultures of our globe.I am looking forward to servinng you and showing you around here as a licenced tour guide.

Anna Aguila
Web Marketer
Web Designer
Marketing Advisor
Customer ServiceCompany Information
Company name : BPS Ltd.
Website : www.bpsupport.net
Address : 1-4-31 Kiminomorihigashi, Toganeshi, Chiba, Japan 283-0822
Please call or email us before visiting our office.
Tel : +81-475-78-3588
Email : info@dreamjourneyjapan.com
The opening hours : 10am-6pm
License No. 3-7744
Approved by the governor of Tokyo prefecture